

Supporting image for Lynne

What was your main reason for accessing the service?

Health reasons

Did you believe you oculd achieve 4 weeks smokefree?

Yes I did. I was very positive about quitting.

Have you used stop smoking medication to help you quit?

Yes, I found the medication to be very helpful. I could not have done without it.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smokefree?

Getting phone calls every week from my advisor definitely helped me concentrate on what I wanted to achieve.

Has your health improved since you quit and if so, in what ways?

My cough has gone and I was afraid it would turn into COPD.

Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst smoking?

I can breathe more easily, have more energy and I'm financially better off.

What have you found helpful accessing the service via the telephone?

It was better for being able to contact us and for the calls every week, it made life a little easier. The encouragement I got was great and if I can do it anyone can. The service is excellent.