
Specialist Stop Smoking Service Privacy Notice

Yorkshire Smokefree Wakefield (Delivered by South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust (SWYPFT)) take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purpose(s) listed in section 2 below. This notice provides details of how we collect and use information (data) about you. 

We will keep your information (data) always secure.

Who we are.

  1. a) SWYPFT has been commissioned by Wakefield Council to deliver the Specialist Stop Smoking Service. SWYPFT will deliver the Specialist Stop Smoking Service who are contracted as the Data Processor:

Contact details:

Telephone: 01924 252174

Email: ysfwakefield@swyt.nhs.uk

  1. The Controller for the information being used in relation to the Specialist Stop Smoking Service is Wakefield Council.

Contact details:

Telephone:  01924 306112

Email: dataprotection@wakefield.gov.uk

  1. The Council’s Data Protection Officer is the Corporate Information Governance Team Manager.

Contact details:

Telephone: 01924 306112

Email:  dpo@wakefield.gov.uk

  1. How your data is used:


You can refer yourself to the Specialist Stop Smoking service.  The service will need to collect the following information from you:

Full name

Full address

Phone number(s)

Email address



Date of birth

Disability status

Employment details

Information about your health conditions and illnesses, including any medicines you are taking

Sexual orientation

Your religion of belief

Your marriage or civil partnership status

If you are pregnant or have recently had a baby

If you have any carers

Smoking status

Evidence that you are either; registered with a Wakefield GP, Employed within the Wakefield District or in any education within the Wakefield District.

Referrals from other agencies

The Specialist Stop Smoking service accepts referrals from other agencies who have identified individuals that may benefit from the support of the service. For these referrals the Specialist Stop Smoking service will obtain the following information about you from the referring agency:

Full name

Full address

Phone number

The service will then need to collect the following information from you:

Email address



Date of birth

Disability status

Employment details

Information about your health conditions and illnesses, including any medicines you are taking

Sexual orientation

Your religion of belief

Your marriage or civil partnership status

Smoking status

The service will use your name and contact information to contact you and arrange visits to provide advice and support relating to your financial situation. The service will use your employment information to understand if you are within a priority group.

The service use information about your gender, ethnicity, and disability status to ensure that the service is accessible to all and is provided on an equitable basis.

To enable South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust to refer you to other agencies who can help to improve your health and wellbeing, your contact information may be shared with other agencies as part of a referral, where they are identified as being able to provide relevant advice or support. This will only be done with your permission.

Please note, your information will always be shared securely, with your permission and only data which is required to support you will be shared. 

Data held by the service  may be accessed by the Council’s Internal Audit and the Counter-Fraud Team as they are required to hold, or have access to, information from systems and processes across the Council so that we can ensure and demonstrate compliance with Legislation, including but not limited to, Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, Local Government Act 1972, Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, and Public Sector Internal Audit Standards.

Should you decide not to provide any of the information we request or wish to cease receiving the service at any point, then you will only be able to receive a partial service based on the information that we have. 

 What authority does the Specialist Stop Smoking Service have to collect and use this information?

 The law says that we cannot process your personal data unless we comply with at least one condition in Article 6 of the UK GDPR.  The Article 6 lawful basis we rely upon for processing your information is:

Article 6 1 (e) – We need it to perform a public task.

The legislation that we rely on is the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Section 12 of the act requires local authorities to take appropriate steps to improve the health of people who live in their area, this includes providing facilities, services or incentives to help people to stop smoking.

 The law also states that we cannot process personal data which is considered to be Special Category Data (such as information relating to your health, religion, or ethnicity, for example) unless we comply with a condition within Article 9 of the UK GDPR.  The Article 9 lawful basis we rely upon for processing Special Category Data is:

 Article 9 2 (i) – Processing is necessary for reasons of interest in the area of Public Health

Article 9 2 (g) – We have a substantial public interest condition for processing in line with Schedule 1 Section 10 Part 2 (18) of the DPA 2018 which relates to Safeguarding of children and individuals at risk.

  1. How long will your data be kept?

The Service will keep your personal information collected for the purpose(s) detailed in section 2 for a period of 8 years after your last discharge from the Service, after which time it will be deleted from the systems. The reason for keeping information for this period of time is in line with the NHS Records Management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care and the Local Government Association recommended retention periods. This will also enable us to identify people who have been re-referred into the Service and ensure that the most suitable service is provided, as well as being able to review previous advice and support given.

 Your rights and your personal data

Under the GDPR you have the following rights:

 Right of Access

You have a right of access to the personal information that the service holds about you, and/or the right to be given a copy of the data undergoing processing.

Right to Rectification

You have the right to request that the service corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date.

Right to Restriction of Processing

You have the right, where there is a dispute in relation to accuracy or lawfulness of processing of your personal data, to request that a restriction is placed on further processing.

 Right to Object to Processing

In certain circumstances, you may have a right to object to the processing of your personal data.

Right of Complaint

You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner, please find contact details below.

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number.

To exercise any of your rights listed above, you should contact the Data Controller as shown in section 1b.

  1. Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Privacy Notice, then we will provide you with a new Privacy Notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions.

 7. Changes to this Notice

We will review this notice regularly, and no later than every 2 years, to ensure it remains accurate and relevant, unless legislative changes require this sooner. 

Arrange a call with one of our advisors

Call 0800 612 0011 (free from a landline) or 0330 660 1166 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm and Saturdays between 9am until 4.30pm


Please let us know when will be most convenient for us to call and we will try and accommodate you. Please note we can only call back within our opening hours and we can only try calling 3 times. So if you don't hear from us within a week please either call us or complete this form again.