Wakefield personal agreement
What you can expect from us:
- Choose your way to join us to help you quit – In Person/Telephone Support/Video Call/Group Sessions.
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy product (NRT) such as patch, gum, lozenge etc. for 8 weeks upon agreement of setting a quit date to be Smokefree * Prescription charge unless exempt from paying for prescriptions
- Zyban medication if *eligible (*please note GP appt for a blood pressure check will be required and it will be the GP’s decision to prescribe Zyban) * Prescription charge unless exempt from paying for prescriptions
- Advice on how to use your stop smoking medication
- A programme of professional NHS help and support tailored to your individual needs
- Tips on how to deal with cravings and helpful information leaflets/links to see how much progress you’re making
- Help to keep you motivated and information about the positive benefits of quitting
- Daily Motivational text messages (optional)
- Additional support online and through social media
- Offer you the opportunity to promote the service through our website and social media
- Pilot E-cigarette scheme if eligible * speak to your advisor for more information