
World No Tobacco Day 2020

Published at 28 May, 2020 09:00.

Supporting image for World No Tobacco Day 2020

Yorkshire Smokefree is proud to support World No Tobacco Day 2020, the global campaign aims to debunk myths and unremittingly expose devious tactics employed by tobacco industries. Providing young people and adults with the knowledge to easily detect tobacco industry manipulation, equipping them with the useful tools to rebuff these tactics, empowering young people and adults to take a stand against them. Currently, this is especially important, as studies have shown that smokers have a higher risk of severe coronavirus. The World Health Organisation calls on all young people and adults to join the fight in becoming a tobacco-free generation.

The event will feature a call to action, stop smoking drive, #TobaccoExposed, accessible campaign and social media materials and other key messages so you can join the conversation. Though adults are encouraged to get stuck in and raise awareness, the focus on young people is significant. Most people typically start smoking and becoming addicted to cigarettes and nicotine when they are still children, studies show that those who begin smoking at the youngest ages are much more likely to smoke heavily, ultimately finding it harder to give up. This group has the greatest risk of developing smoking-related diseases later in life.

It is widely known that smoking kills 8 million people a year, meaning it has never been more vitally important to choose life and take back control of your health. Yorkshire Smokefree offers confidential telephone support (to answer and questions you may have), face to face sessions with NHS experts (currently working remotely), and access to our innovative online quit program (allowing you to create your personal profile and receive support you on a daily basis throughout your quit journey). 

We take your personal preferences into account and tailor our services to you. Using our resources to help keep you strong, build a full-stop programme to target and suit your individual needs, including behavioural therapies and counselling. All our services are free, friendly and fully flexible, ensuring you always have access to our specialist advisors, who have helped thousands of people just like you go and stay smoke-free. 

Once you reduce and eventually kick the habit you can expect to see a range of health benefits you might not have expected:  


  • Blood pressure and pulse return to normal
  • Your circulation improves, your hands and feet feel warmer
  • Nicotine levels fall, circulation improves
  • Risk of heart attack, cancer and other ‘smoking’ diseases begins to fall


  • Lungs begin to work better, carbon monoxide removed from the body
  • Energy levels increase, breathing becomes easier
  • Withdrawal symptoms have stopped, breathing levels improve


  • Withdrawal symptoms begin to ease, walking and other everyday tasks become easier to do
  • Withdrawal symptoms have stopped, energy levels increase

So this World No Tobacco Day 2020 choose to be aware, take action and change the world one cigarette at a time by quitting smoking. You can call our advisors on 0800 612 0011 (free from landlines) or 0330 6601 166, alternatively, get in touch with us for a Callback Request today.