Published at 27 September, 2018 11:27.
The Yorkshire Smokefree stop smoking advisors love getting out and about to talk about the service with the regions smokers. This week our Wakefield advisor Claire attended the Haribo Annual Health Fair.
Published at 18 October, 2017 00:00.
Hannah, who works at Pinderfields hospital has found a new lease of life thanks to her Yorkshire Smokefree quit advisor.
Published at 04 September, 2017 00:00.
Want to get the most out of your smoke-free journey? With Yorkshire Smokefree we offer so much more than just giving up the cigs. It's valuable advice for life, it supports when you need it most, it's gaining new friends and being part of a fantastic community, all in the same boat as you!
Our stop smoking service at Featherstone Library recently went on a group run to one of their member's allotments which was a huge success!
Published at 04 September, 2017 00:00.
Are you ready to challenge yourself?
If you're thinking about ditching the cigs for one whole month for part of Stoptober, you may have some worries about cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
Our advisors from Wakefield are here to make sure you get the best out of your smoke free journey and will be popping up in places near you!
Find out here where they will be near you!