

Supporting image for Walter

I have attempted to stop smoking on numerous occasions and have, eventually, succeeded.

On each occasion, I have used the services of Wakefield Stop Smoking Clinic. On this final attempt, whilst being provided with patches and other items to assist in my efforts, I have also received regular personal support and encouragement, sometimes by phone, and other times face-to-face. These latter occasions also involve carbon monoxide checks which provide further satisfaction when the reading results in a non-smoker level.

However, only one person can lead to a successful cessation of smoking. YOURSELF. Unless you give it your all, your total determination, you won't succeed, however, many patches, sprays, gums, etc. you use.

It is difficult. It will be stressful. But there are feelings you cannot better when you succeed: Satisfaction and Pride. 

Become one of the worst kind of smoker. An ex-smoker!!