

Supporting image for Victor

Congratulations, Victor! After smoking for over 50 years he quit the cigarettes for good with the help of Yorkshire Smokefree. Here's his story:

I was 16 when I started smoking, and have now smoked for 50 years, I started smoking when a school friend gave me a couple of cigarettes and I was hooked.

I smoked on average 21-25 cigarettes a day and since I’ve been quit I am able to use the money I’ve saved in more beneficial ways, I accessed my support from the service by telephone and going on websites but also attending face-to-face sessions in Pontefract.  I would rate the support I received from the service as a 10/10 and found them extremely helpful, I used some stop-smoking products to help me quit and apart from the products helping to stay smokefree I had a lot of support from my partner.  The money I have saved is allowing me to treat myself to an extra holiday or two!

When I was a smoker I didn’t like having to go outside for a smoke when in other peoples company. If I could tell myself not to start smoking I would say just think about the amount of money you will waste on your smoking habit.


If you feel inspired by Victor's story and would like support in quitting smoking, register for a Callback Request today.