

Supporting image for Lamin

Hello, my name is Lamin.  I contacted the Stop Smoking service in January after referring myself.  I made a conscious decision to quit not only for myself but for my son.  I suffered a heart attack in 2017, and had attempted to stop then, but unfortunately, I only managed two weeks and knew that smoking was destroying my health and I needed to make some positive actions in my life to help me quit for good.

Before my first appointment, I honestly didn’t think that I would be able to quit, but quickly realised that with the help from my Advisor, Julia, and a little bit of determination, I would achieve my goals.  After going through the various NRT products available, I decided to try the patches and the inhalator.  For me, the patches worked really well and before long, I was using just these alone. 

Just three months on from joining the quit programme, I feel so much better in myself, and my son is proud of what I have achieved.  My health has greatly improved, and I have started going to the gym and exercising without getting out of breath. With the money I have saved, this will go towards my son’s college fees.

I have found the service to be helpful and encouraging and particularly liked the inspirational text messages that I received - a real boost to keep me on track.