

What were your reasons for stopping smoking?

Ann states that she used to get up and start coughing and still smoke through this, and she used to feel sick. Ann has emphysema and noted that nothing would stop her from smoking. She recently had a heart attack, which pushed her to stop.

Have you stopped smoking previously?

Ann never wanted to stop smoking even though she had emphysema and was coughing; it wasn’t enough for Ann to stop.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?

She noted yes - that having a heart attack was a wake-up call to stop smoking.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit, and what did you use?

Ann used the Inhalator, and even though the Inhalator stopped the cravings, there was no exhale on the Inhalator, which was strange for her.

How helpful did you find this?

The Inhalator was good at the start. Ann says that it was a godsend when she was in the hospital and when she came out.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke-free?

Her mindset, determination and wanting to live longer after having a heart attack.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker / quit?

Ann stated that her hair and clothes smell more amicable, and she now has clothes without cigarette burns. She can’t wait for her COPD check and to tell her GPs she doesn’t smoke.

She is also happy that even though people around her still smoke, it doesn’t bother her now.

Has your health improved since quitting, and if so, how?

No, it hasn’t because of the heart attack and another health problem. But has noticed that her breathing is a lot better. Food also tastes a lot different, and she no longer likes her favourite foods.

Besides health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn’t do while smoking?

No, due to being in a wheelchair, nothing has changed for me in this capacity. She has now started sucking sweets instead of having a cigarette.

What have you found helpful whilst accessing the Yorkshire Smokefree service?

Ann stated that there is always someone to speak to, and it is nice to know that someone is calling Ann up. She likes the fact that she is not left on her own to struggle.

Could you quote us about your experience of becoming smoke-free that may help others take the same step?

Ann stated don’t touch the Cigarettes. Touch their cigarettes, and you will die.

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