

Supporting image for Alan

What were your reasons for stopping smoking?

Health reasons (DVT) I could potentially lose my leg if I didn't stop smoking. Also money reasons and for my family. 

Have you stopped smoking previously?


Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?

I didn't no.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit?

Yes, I used the patches and mouth spray. I also purchased a vape to help me too.

How helpful did you find them?

Very helpful, they took the cravings away (especially the mouth spray) which was very handy at work.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smokefree?

My advisor, Clare, with her support and our discussions. I have had a few bereavements in the family and after messaging Clare, she would ring me instead to keep up with the progress as well as being flexible with my appointments. 

What do you like most about being a non-smoker/quit?

Being able to tell the doctors, I've stopped when they ask me! I have been told the veins in my legs will grow back and heal so no intervention is required. Had I continued to smoke, this would have been a different story. Thinking about holidays and making memories. 

Has your health improved since you quit and if so, in what ways?

My DVT is improving continuously and my breathing. I am also less out of breath and can manage stairs better.

Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst smoking?

Walking up the stairs at my place of work. Look forward to holidays and saving up money to buy a better camper van and garden furniture. 

What have you found helpful whilst accessing Yorkshire Smokefree service?

Having the support from my advisor to talk and explain where I am with my smoking habits. If I was unable to attend face to face, my advisor would ring me, and be flexible with my appointments.